On 30 November 2023, the jury convened in Tarragona to announce the winners of the 2023 Catalunya Literària Fundació Privada award offered in conjunction with the Etruria Foundation and the European Cultural Foundation on the theme ‘Ideology and cultural history: past, present and future’. The jury members were Eduardo Antoja Fernández, writer, producer and director, María Cristina Suma, professor of Italian, and Rosamon Pàmies Pla, literary consultant.


They unanimously reached the following decision:

To award the 2023 Humanist Essay Prize to Pablo Aparicio for her piece “La inscripción ideológica del sujeto libre. Sobre la radical historicidad del (propio) discurso”.


She will be awarded the full prize amount for her winning work.

The members of the jury also awarded honourable mention for the following finalist works:


“Pensar tràgicament. Eurípides i la tragèdia grega com a instància crítica ” submitted by Faust Ripoll Domènech.

“La vaca i el blat de moro. Passat i present del nacionalisme espanyol” submitted by Ferran Garcia-Oliver.